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INSEAD Entrepreneurship Forum 2024

INSEAD Entrepreneurship Forum 2024

Save the date! The INSEAD Entrepreneurship Forum, "Driving Change, Shaping The Future" is taking place on October 4-5 at the Europe Campus. Share the LinkedIn post below by clicking on the "Share" button on the post, and check out the highlights of the 2023 edition in...

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In The Know Podcast #39: Women Overcoming Bias, Building Resilience, and Letting Go of Guilt

In The Know Podcast #39: Women Overcoming Bias, Building Resilience, and Letting Go of Guilt

Listen to this episode of INSEAD’s In The Know podcast, where we’ll hear from Priyanka Nath, who will share about her experiences, challenges, and opportunities she has faced as a woman in the working world.

About Limitless

We live in a world of constraints—some physical, some cultural, but always personal. These mindsets limit our human potential to achieve great things in life and hinder experiences that not only enrich ourselves but also benefit society at large.

Through Limitless, INSEAD strives to create a diverse community where individuals from all backgrounds can thrive and pursue their ambitions.

In honour of this commitment, we are proud to launch “Ambition Has No Gender – Stories of Vulnerability and Courage”.

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Lead the Future

Lead the Future

Participants of INSEAD’s flagship 12-month online programme share their insights into the transformational power of Lead the Future.

Over 12 months executives accelerate their leadership capabilities for an increasingly complex and rapidly changing world. From developing a set of tools and the mindset to respond to volatility and ambiguity, to looking beyond short-term gains and creating sustainable value for stakeholders. The programme offers a platform for deep and rigorous learning at a pace that suits busy schedules.

Next session starts: 9 April 2025

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EMFIN Testimonial: Carlos Müller Jiskra

EMFIN Testimonial: Carlos Müller Jiskra

Carlos chose the INSEAD Executive Master in Finance (EMFin) to enhance his skills, expand his professional network, and embrace the challenges of key decision-making roles. He was drawn to INSEAD for its global reputation and international perspective, which he believes are crucial in today’s interconnected financial landscape. The opportunity to study in Singapore, a leading financial hub, was a significant factor in his decision, offering him access to a dynamic ecosystem and enriching intercultural experiences. The EMFin has already positively impacted his work, particularly in his role on BBVA’s investment committee for private debt strategy. Post-graduation, Carlos plans to continue enhancing his financial expertise, exploring innovative financial products, and building networks with global asset managers.

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A Year of Growth: Taking the Lead

A Year of Growth: Taking the Lead

Clara Geerts, a data-driven marketing strategist at Google, shares her experience on the Learning to Lead Programme. Her story exemplifies the importance of self-awareness and proactive career planning. By actively seeking development opportunities and remaining open to internal and external possibilities, she positions herself for success in her leadership journey.

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Meet The Class – TIEMBA’25

Meet The Class – TIEMBA’25

The TIEMBA’25 class started their journey on the Tsinghua campus in Beijing in 2023 and will alternate between INSEAD’s Singapore, France, and UAE campuses as part of their programme.

Read this article to meet some of the members of the class!

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This year, INSEAD proudly marks the 20th anniversary of our Global Executive MBA. As we commemorate this special anniversary, join us in celebrating two decades of leadership, innovation, and community with the world!

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This year, INSEAD proudly marks the 20th anniversary of our Global Executive MBA. As we commemorate this special anniversary, join us in celebrating two decades of leadership, innovation, and community with the world!

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Embracing Authenticity in Leadership

Embracing Authenticity in Leadership

Staying true to yourself, navigating challenges with integrity and inspiring others through your actions.

What does authenticity in leadership mean? Why is it important? How do you manage expectations vs being your authentic self?

Join us on the 15th of May for an exciting panel discussion hosted by Severine Guilloux, Chief Marketing Officer at INSEAD, during which Shivani Kannabhiran, MBA 00’J and Oyinade Ola, GEMBA 22 will share their stories on how they remain true to themselves.

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